Saturday, May 12, 2012

You're more than a Queen MOM!

To my Mommy....

And to my grannies (Lola B & Lola Flor), mom in law, Mama Chary, sister in law Cinthia, Aunties, Cousins, Blogger sissies and friends who are already a mom...Happy Mother's Day to y'all!

When I grow up I wanna have the same title as you have because I do believe that there is no other gift to a mother can ever be equal to the gift you've given to your kids- LIFE...

courtesy of Mr. GOOGLE :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy mother's day to your mom! Can't wait till you get the same title ;-) and then we can share notes on raising a multi-racial child(ren) ;-)

    Spanish Pinay


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